Thursday, 28 April 2011

NHibernate and the missing OperatorProjection

It's been a long while, unfortunately i can't seem to find time to tend to my blog :/

I've been using NHibernate for some years now and although i consider it to be great there are some things that bug me. I've been looking at some questions over at SO (like for example and and it seems that i am not the only one that has this problem.

I consider it odd that not all standard SQL-92 operators -mathematical and maybe bitwise / unary ?- are supported in an intuitive way (there, i said it). In fact there is specific implementation for each of the supported conditional operators via Restrictions (Eq, Lt, Le etc).

I consider the Criteria API the strongest query engine for NHibernate and if you sweeten it with some LINQ candy just to get compilation support you can get the most out of it.

So, i looked about to find out how hard it would be to make an OperatorProjection.

Apparently it wasn't that hard :-)

The solution was to create my own Projection that is responsible to generate the necessary SQL, which derives from NHibernate's own SimpleProjection.

Lets say, for the sake of argument, that i want to return a given property with an added number.

This is pretty easy in hql, its like writing sql:
select t.Id, t.Duration, t.Duration + 5 from WorkSpecification

In vanilla Criteria API its not that simple and it hides a couple of traps:
    Projections.SqlProjection("{alias}.DaysDuration + 5",
                              new[] {"DaysDuration"},

Its not simple because you have to write SQL and that means that the "DaysDuration" reference inside the SqlProjection means directly to a Column named "DaysDuration" and that point the ORM looses its power and flexibility.

Secondly the {alias} part commands the Criteria engine to inject at that point the alias of the root entity. That distinctively destroys any hope to make joins and apply the desired projection to the joined row (you can make subqueries via DetachedCriteria but that's not the same).

With OperatorProjection it can be written as

               new ArithmeticOperatorProjection("+",
                                                Projections.Property("Duration"), Projections.Constant(5))

which generates this piece of SQL
SELECT this_.Id as y0_, this_.DaysDuration as y1_, (this_.DaysDuration + 5) as y2_ FROM WorkSpecification

The ugly part is that you pass the operator symbol as a string (but we may be able to do something about it as you will see in part 2) but then again now you don't need to rely to SQL. The only thing required is knowledge of the domain.

And since the Restrictions API also includes IProjections as parameters now this is also feasable:

    Restrictions.Eq(new ArithmeticOperatorProjection("+",
                                    Projections.Property("Duration"), Projections.Constant(5)
                                    , 6

which generates this piece of SQL
SELECT this_.(…) FROM WorkSpecification this_ WHERE (this_.DaysDuration + @p0) = @p1; @p0 = 5, @p1 = 6

Interestingly and as a side benefit Microsoft's SQL Server also uses the + operator to concatenate strings. And the result of the experiment was...

        Restrictions.Eq(new ArithmeticOperatorProjection("+",
                            Projections.Property("FirstName"), Projections.Constant(" "), Projections.Property("LastName")
                        , “foo bar”

which generates this piece of SQL
SELECT this_.(…) FROM PersonSpecification this_ WHERE (this_.FirstName + @p0 + this_.LastName) = @p1;
@p0 = ' ', @p1 = 'foo bar'

So what makes all this happen? Check it out below:
public abstract class OperatorProjection : SimpleProjection
        private readonly IProjection[] args;
        private readonly IType returnType;
        private string op;
        private string Op { get { return op; }
                var trimmed = value.Trim();
                if (System.Array.IndexOf(AllowedOperators, trimmed) == -1)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", trimmed, "Not allowed operator");
                op = " " + trimmed + " ";

        public abstract string[] AllowedOperators { get; }

        protected OperatorProjection(string op, IType returnType, params IProjection[] args)
            this.Op = op;    
            this.returnType = returnType;
            this.args = args;

        public override SqlString ToSqlString(ICriteria criteria, int position, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery, IDictionary<string, IFilter> enabledFilters)
            SqlStringBuilder sb = new SqlStringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                int loc = (position + 1) * 1000 + i;
                SqlString projectArg = GetProjectionArgument(criteriaQuery, criteria, args[i], loc, enabledFilters);

                if (i < args.Length - 1)
            sb.Add(" as ");
            return sb.ToSqlString();

        private static SqlString GetProjectionArgument(ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery, ICriteria criteria,
                                                       IProjection projection, int loc,
                                                       IDictionary<string, IFilter> enabledFilters)
            SqlString sql = projection.ToSqlString(criteria, loc, criteriaQuery, enabledFilters);
            return StringHelper.RemoveAsAliasesFromSql(sql);

        public override IType[] GetTypes(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
            return new IType[] { returnType };

        public override bool IsAggregate
            get { return false; }

        public override bool IsGrouped
                foreach (IProjection projection in args)
                    if (projection.IsGrouped)
                        return true;
                return false;

        public override SqlString ToGroupSqlString(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery, IDictionary<string, IFilter> enabledFilters)
            SqlStringBuilder buf = new SqlStringBuilder();
            foreach (IProjection projection in args)
                if (projection.IsGrouped)
                    buf.Add(projection.ToGroupSqlString(criteria, criteriaQuery, enabledFilters)).Add(", ");
            if (buf.Count >= 2)
                buf.RemoveAt(buf.Count - 1);
            return buf.ToSqlString();

Which is not really complicated and in fact is modified code from NHibernate's own Projections.SqlFunction(), and is a handy-dandy abstract class in case some one wants to implement some other operator. Note that the above class expects pairs of projections so it is not suitable for Unary Operators, although the only thing that has to change is the ToSqlString() method.

So the actual usable implementations look like this:

public class ArithmeticOperatorProjection : OperatorProjection
        public ArithmeticOperatorProjection(string op, IType returnType, params IProjection[] args)
            : base(op, returnType, args)
            if (args.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("args", args.Length, "Requires at least 2 projections");

        public override string[] AllowedOperators
            get { return new[] { "+", "-", "*", "/", "%" }; }

    public class BitwiseOperatorProjection : OperatorProjection
        public BitwiseOperatorProjection(string op, IType returnType, params IProjection[] args)
            : base(op, returnType, args)
            if (args.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("args", args.Length, "Requires at least 2 projections");

        public override string[] AllowedOperators
            get { return new[] { "&", "|", "^" }; }

You might notice that during sql generation i explicitly place the generated sql inside parenthesis () because, well they don't really hurt :-P.
Jokes aside, i haven't tested this in enough complicated scenarios to see if it behaves properly without parenthesis. Besides that, in the case of using multiple operators side by side, there is operator precedence that has to be taken into account, and at least for now there is no code to detect and/or fix that.

So it all boils down to the modular nature of NHibernate and the ability to write your own tools without having to necessarily modify the source. Can you say "win" ?